What’s the peirnt?
good friend and I have a question that we pose to each other from
time-to-time: What’s the peirnt? It is an
intentional misspelling and mispronunciation of the last word, and intended to
reflect a question from old mob movies – the original and stated question
being, What’s the point?
sometimes find myself wondering that, as it relates to ordained ministry and
its exercise in the parish.
the most dramatic illustration I can offer came in a meeting several years ago
with either the vestry or search committee of a congregation (the grace of God
has caused me to forget which congregation it was). As the congregational leaders and I discussed
the responsibilities and expectations of their next priest, one member said
rather caustically, “I want them to pray
on their own time.”
later shared that observation with the senior priest who was then my spiritual
director. His response: “That is a ditch
I would die in.” His question was, What
is the point?
I work frequently with search committees and vestries, I see the always-present
(but sometimes unstated) question arise again and again: What are the expectations of the new rector or vicar?
person mentioned above clearly thought that it was not the priest’s
responsibility to pray – at least on
“church time.”
is a variety of stated and unstated expectations of a cleric – some clear and
expected, some unclear and unanticipated.
Some reasonable and some unreasonable. I recall on my first Sunday in
one of the parishes I served that an elderly, senior member came to me after
the service: “Thank you, Mr. Johnson, for
not saying anything personal in your sermon.”
I knew the roots of her concern (they were well-entwined with the
congregation’s history), but it was clearly an unstated expectation that I
would not get too personal in my
sermon. What if someone else had been
called and had been unaware?
that is a very small example which illustrates a larger point: There
are many expectations of a parish cleric.
Such as…
Being present in the office on a regular basis.
Making pastoral calls as needed.
Assuring smooth functioning of the parish office.
Visiting newcomers soon after they visit the parish.
… Or, visiting newcomers which have
expressed no interest in the parish, but someone in the parish has met them.
Sharing information about pastoral concerns (such as someone’s
hospitalization), while preserving appropriate confidences.
Always being solemn when appropriate,
and always being happy when expected.
Seeing that adequate training is offered for lay readers, Eucharistic
ministers, acolytes and others – even if attendance is not convenient for them.
Preaching sermons that are not too long
and not too short.
Not dealing with social or political topics from the pulpit – unless the congregation largely agrees with
the perspective.
Increasing attendance by young families.
Assuring the ongoing functioning of a multi-faceted Christian education
Being responsible for the sound financial condition of the congregation (or, conversely, having nothing to do
with what Will Campbell called “filthy lucre”).
An ancillary point: Never talk about
Being the “moral police” (generally
directed toward “someone else”) of the congregation while saying nothing of inappropriate behavior.
... Growing the congregation without changing the congregation's methods of functioning or its means of relating to newcomers.
Being available and responsive 24/7, regardless of the impact on the cleric’s
And, of course, the biggy: Don’t let conflict
enter the congregation and, if you do, assume responsibility for it.
are among the expectations I have encountered over 12+ years of working with
congregations and clergy, and over 14 years of parochial ministry before that.
of the challenges faced by many clergy is that, with unstated expectations, one
person’s perspective is perceived as valid as another’s.
fact is that priests take vows before the Bishop which summarize their responsibilities
as ordained people. Since we, as
Episcopalians, articulate our theology in our prayers and liturgy, it only
makes sense that the vows taken before a Bishop at ordination would articulate
our understanding of the ordained ministry. The Bishop’s address to the
ordinand includes the following:
a priest, it will be your task to proclaim by word and deed the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, and to fashion your life in accordance with its precepts. You are to
love and serve the people among whom you work, caring alike for young and old,
strong and weak, rich and poor. You are to preach, to declare God’s forgiveness
to penitent sinners, to pronounce God’s blessing, to share in the
administration of Holy Baptism and in the celebration of the mysteries of
Christ’s Body and Blood, and to perform the other ministrations entrusted to
The vows,
containing the essential duties of a
priest, follow:
Bishop Do
you now in the presence of the Church commit yourself to this trust and responsibility?
Answer I do.
Bishop Will
you respect and be guided by the pastoral direction
leadership of your bishop?
Answer I will.
Bishop Will
you be diligent in the reading and study of the Holy
Scriptures, and in seeking the knowledge of such things as may make
you a stronger and more able minister of Christ?
Answer I will.
Bishop Will
you endeavor so to minister the Word of God and
the sacraments of the New Covenant, that the reconciling love of
Christ may be known and received?
Answer I will.
Bishop Will
you persevere in prayer, both in public and in private,
asking God’s grace, both for yourself and for
others, offering all your labors to
God, through the
mediation of Jesus
Christ, and in the sanctification of the Holy Spirit?
Answer I will.
Bishop May
the Lord who has given you the will to do these
things give you the grace and
power to perform them.
Answer Amen.
vows express the essential theological raison
d’etre for the priesthood, and they provide the basic job description for a
there is more: The canons of the
Episcopal Church (especially Title III, Canon 9 – Of the Life and Work of Priests) provide some meat on the bone for a priest’s functioning. Among those duties are the following:
the Catechism; in the Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of the Episcopal Church;
and in
“the exercise of their ministry as baptized persons.”
instruction of all persons in the topics of Christian stewardship, including a
reverence for God’s creation and the right use of God’s gifts; generous and
consistent giving of time, talent and treasure for the mission and ministry of
the Church at home and abroad; the biblical standard of the tithe for financial
stewardship; and the responsibility of all persons to make a will as prescribed
in The Book of Common Prayer.
proper preparation and instruction for Baptismal candidates and their sponsors;
candidates for Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation should be properly
announce the scheduled visit of the Bishop;
read in public worship or otherwise disseminate a Pastoral Letter from the
House of Bishops;
keep faithful and accurate records of all members (including those who have
received communion three times in the previous year) and of baptisms,
confirmations, deaths, transfers and other changes in membership status.
you can see, the calling of a priest – including a Rector or Vicar – is largely
to the nourishment and development of the spiritual
life both in his or her own life and the life of those in the congregation. This is the work of deepening the journey from which the meaning of life may emerge.
critics of the Church write and speak about how the focus of the Church has
moved more toward matters of secular life.
Those critics may be right, but from a direction they did not intend.
The role of the priest has developed into one of meeting people’s expectations in what is largely a consumer culture. The expectations are
frequently associated with mundane matters rather than the transformational deepening of one’s faith.
priest is called to pray and draw
deeply on his or her spiritual journey, taking the fruits of that journey to
share with the congregation so that their lives might benefit from those
insights. The benefits the priest derives from a deep and profound spiritual
life will enrich his or her preaching, teaching and caring for God’s people.
to the earlier quotation from the Vestry or search committee member: If the
priest prays only on his or her own time, the congregation may very well get
that for which they hope.